How to install Blue Joy photovoltaics on complex roofs?

Faced with increasingly complex roof resources, Blue Joy will show you how to design photovoltaic power plants on these complex roofs? It is the most concerned issue of every photovoltaic designer and investor to control the cost, guarantee the power generation, and be safe and reliable.

1. Multi-angle, multi-directional roof

When facing a roof with a complex structure, you can select multiple Blue Joy inverters or multiple Blue Joy MPPT inverters based on the number of locally consistent components. At present, the inverter technology is very mature, and the harmonic suppression problem of multiple inverters in parallel has been solved. Inverters of different powers are combined together on the grid side without any problems. In projects with large photovoltaic power, you can choose an inverter with high single-unit power and multiple MPPTs to further reduce the series-parallel mismatch loss of modules under complex roof conditions.

2. A roof covered by shadows

The shadows of photovoltaic power plants can be divided into temporary shadows, environmental shadows and system shadows. Many factors can cause temporary shadows on the photovoltaic array, such as snow, fallen leaves, bird droppings, and other forms of pollutants; generally, the inclination angle of photovoltaic modules greater than 12° is more beneficial to the self-cleaning of the photovoltaic array.

The shadow of the solar system itself is mainly the occlusion of the front and rear of the module. The array spacing can be calculated according to the installation inclination and the size of the module during the design to ensure that it will not be occluded from 9:00 to 15:00 on the winter solstice day.

During the construction of photovoltaic power stations, environmental shadows are more common. Tall buildings, gas towers, roof height differences or trees around the floor will shadow photovoltaic modules, which will cause the loss of photovoltaic string power generation. If the installation conditions are restricted and Blue Joy solar modules have to be installed in shaded places, the following methods can be adopted to minimize losses:

(1) The solar radiation is the strongest around noon every day. The power generation from 10 am to 15 am accounts for more than 80%, and the light in the morning and evening is weaker. The installation angle of the components can be adjusted to avoid the shadows during peak hours of development. , This can reduce a part of the loss.

(2) Let the components that may have shadows be concentrated on one inverter or on an MPPT loop, so that the shadowed components will not affect the normal components.

Post time: Jan-18-2022